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- About The Brand -


It is our pleasure to introduce you to our wonderful range of Cannabinoid products meant to improve and uplift your life, for a variety of purposes as needed and required by our clients respectively.

We boasts a wide range of Products which originates from legitimate international sources and have become very popular across parts of the country.

Earth's Muti not only has a wide range of products but also has affordable pricing on each Consulting Product for the general Consumer, Beauticians and Individuals in need of relief from Chronic Pains, ailments and Cancer symptoms.


Cannabinoid Oils and Extracts are used not only for Health & Wellness purposes but are also very effective as Beauty products used in creams and salves.

Overall the Product can be found in Culinary, Beauty, Fashion, medical and wellness products and have been very effective in its uses and results.

Considering that this oil is of high potency, a very small amount is needed for it to be effective in the human body.

The method applied for distillation is efficient enough to extract the valuable oils from the flowers and upper leaves of the Cannabis plants.

Cannabinoid oil is a greenish liquid that is considered highly volatile, and its component parts are very potent, including monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and other highly active organic compounds.

The CBDs and THCs are controlled and limited for export purposes but proven effective in test trials.

Cannabinoid Oil is also known for enhancing uptake of Omega 3, 6 and 17, which on its own has neurological health benefits and improves Neurological firing.

Overall Cannabinoid Oils are well known for their Holistic Health and wellness properties, which is making Cannabinoid products popular for consumption and for the general consumer interested in health and wellness.



* Detoxifies of organs
* Facilitates cancer cells Shrinkage and
causes apoptosis in cancerous cells
* Facilitates Regeneration of organs
* Facilitates Regeneration of bones
* Helps Repairs damaged arteries and veins
* Strengthens Red blood cells and White blood cells
* Improves blood circulation
* Facilitates oxygen uptake in blood
* Helps Regenerate nerve ending growth
* Boosts immune system
* Alleviates Pains, Cramps and General discomfort associated with

Menstrual issues

Cannabinoid Treatment & Application >>

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